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Wisconsin Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline

The Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline provides support, contact, and referrals to anyone—regardless of gender and age— who is residing in Wisconsin and experiencing violence and abuse. We are also a resource for individuals who are concerned that a loved one is experiencing abuse and violence. We work with advocates and victim service providers to increase access to services, provide support and consultation. 


Available 24 hours, 7 days a week to assist callers take the first step towards safety and a violence free life. Calling the Helpline is FREE and secure. Caller's safety is our priority; all calls are completely confidential. No names. No judgement.

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Wisconsin Womyn Training Institute

The Wisconsin Womyn Training Institute provides culturally specific trainings to victim service providers and/or social service agencies.  Our goal and our mission is to build the capacities of Black and Brown advocates and their communities to end violence against womyn, queer and trans folx and young people.  Our grant funded trainings are limited to victim service providers. Please contact us if you would like a personalized training for your agency.


Unless noted otherwise, scholarships are available for DV/SA/ advocates, victim service providers, and VOCA, VAWA, OCVS and DCF grantees for the trainings below. Scholarships are limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. 

Hmong Victim Services Support & Technical Assistance

We provide support and TA to advocates and organization working with Hmong victims and survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and other victims of crimes in the areas of intake process, safety planning, general advocacy, peer mentoring through sisterhood building and language access for advocates and organizations.


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